solving crosswords using the Web

WebCrow Crossword Competition @ ECAI-06
30th August (18:30-20:00)

1) General Information and Rules of the Competition (italian)
2) Registration Form of the Crossword Competition
3) Play with our demo Crossword Competition Platform!

I cruciverba verranno caricati alle 18:30-18:40 circa.

On-site ECAI competitors must show up at the Palameeting room by 18:25
The crosswords will be loaded by 6:40 p.m..

Previous competitions
Competizione Cruciverbistica con WebCrow - 15 Febbraio 2006

Webcrow is a software system whose aim is to solve crosswords. Problems of like solving crosswords have been informally de ned as AI-Complete and are extremely challenging for machines. Webcrow represents the first solver for Italian crosswords and the first system that tackles this language game using the Web as knowledge base. Currently, Webcrow is competitive against an average crossword player. Webcrow has played against humans in several competitions.
Webcrow è progettato per risolvere i cruciverba utilizzando tecniche proprie dell'Intelligenza Artificiale. Al momento Webcrow riesce a risolvere i cruciverba classici, per esempio quelli della Settimana Enigmistica. Webcrow ha partecipato in varie competizioni.